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Why Is This Recumbent Electric Trike so Unique? An Electric Tricycle Unlike Any Other

The brand new Relaxed Body E-Trike. Hey everyone, I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and e-bike industry. And today, I'm gonna introduce you to sixthreezero’s newest electric trike, the Relaxed Body 750 Watt Rear Mount E-Trike with a rear differential. It's an awesome trike. The Relaxed Body recumbent E-Trike, you can call it a recumbent E-Trike or a semi-recumbent. It has an elongated frame, which puts the rider lower to the ground and more forward pedaling, which is why we classify it as a recumbent. Now, some of the cool features before we get into the electronics of this E-Trike are the low step-through and the low seat height. As you can see here, the step-over height is 16 inches, and the seat in the lowest position is 30 and a half inches. This E-Trike can accommodate riders from four foot ten to six foot five because of how adjustable it is. The other thing I wanna point out is that pedals on trikes or bikes normally fall right below the seat. With a recumbent style, you're pedaling out in front of your body. So you can see here, the pedals are actually moved forward 12 and a half inches. That's what creates that recumbent style and allows the seat to be lower to the ground and allows for that safer ride. Now, the other cool thing is with this longer frame, the frame from the front of the tire, the whole bike's length is 78 inches. It creates an incredibly stable ride. I've ridden hundreds of E-Trikes. This is in the top one or two of stability because of that longer frame and the low center of gravity and also this 20-inch by three-inch rear tire and a 24-inch by three-inch front tire. We put a larger tire in the front and a larger diameter to set it lower in the rear to create even more stability back here. Now you'll see this basket back here. Another really cool thing we did is a lot of baskets on E-Trikes only come with these barred baskets that require a bag or something to use it.

Not this one; we put a mesh in here so you can put smaller items. You don't need a bag to go in there if you don't want to, but we have tons of custom bags that will fit in here for different purposes. If you wanna put them in there, you can also check those out in the accessory section of our website. Now, moving to the rear, we have a huge 750-watt motor that is very powerful. This trike can accommodate riders up to 350 pound, and it's powerful enough to get those riders up hills. It also has a rear differential. What that means is you're not gonna be powering just one of these rear wheels. You're going to power both of the rear wheels, but in addition to that, when you're taking turns and if the wheels are uneven, it's going to disperse the power accordingly as you corner to ensure greater traction when you're riding. So it's a nice feature. And if you are looking for one of the most stable, easy-to-turn trikes, the Relax Body is in that conversation. All right, now let's move on to a little bit of the electronics. Okay, so here is your motor back here with the rear mount. And right here is a derailleur that is featured on any standard bicycle as well. It's a seven-speed. Another cool feature about this e-trike is that you have seven gears that you can utilize to match your pedaling and cadence in accordance with how much assistance you're using. Now you have your battery right here. It's a 15 amp hour battery. So you're gonna be able to get up to 50 miles on a single charge. Good, big battery to match the good, big motor back here, the 750 Watts. So if you're looking to do those longer rides or you do plan to tackle a lot of hills, it'll be nice to have this bigger battery right here. Now, let's move up to the handlebars here, and I wanna show you everything that's going on up here. So one great feature is the parking brake. So you just push this down, keep the brake engaged, and you have that feature on both sides here. Right here, you have a twist throttle. So if you don't feel like pedaling, you can just twist this throttle, and this trike will go up to 20 miles an hour by just using the twist throttle here. So you don't have to pedal to engage the motor if you don't want to.

However, if you do wanna pedal and use the assistance, you have five levels of assistance, and we got a power on our battery right here. So I hold this button and you'll see that turn green. And from there, now we can turn this on. So here are your levels of assistance. You have up to five levels of assistance. This flashing message just means that the motor is cut off. So when you have the parking brake or the brake engaged, nothing will work. When you pop those out, you'll be able to utilize them. So it's a good safety feature to have, especially when you pull the brake and you're riding to know that the motor will cut out. So you've got your battery life right here, your miles per hour, your odometer, and your pedal assist right here as well. Also, you've got three disc brakes on this e-bike. So, one on the front and two on the rear. Those are Tektro disc brakes. They stop on a dime. They're great. I'm gonna actually show you braking downhill. You won't have to worry about it. Another cool feature here is that you have a front and a rear light. So you just hold the plus symbol right here. Your light symbol comes up, and that will turn on your light in the front right here. The other cool thing is that it turns on the light in the rear as well. So if you live in a city that requires lights at night, you have that there and just stay back there at the camera for a second. Now, if you turn the light on or off, this becomes your brake light. And as you pull your brake lever, the brake light engages. So again, a nice feature. Coming back up to the handlebars here, this is your derailleur shifter for your speeds. Now, again, this is not related to the motor. This is related to the speeds of the bicycle element. It's called a trigger shifter. You push this to increase, this to decrease. So if you're doing hills, generally, you wanna be in the lower gears. And if you're trying to achieve a max speed, you wanna be in the higher gears. Another cool safety feature right here is this kill switch. So if this is pushed out and disengaged, your throttle will not work, okay? If you push it in, the throttle will be ready to work. So I'll go ahead and leave it out as we're doing this demonstration to ensure that it doesn't go anywhere without us wanting it to go somewhere. Now, one of the cool features is how this e-trike accommodates so many different rider heights.

And it's all in not only the seat but also in these handlebars. This style is what we call a mini A-ping or handlebar. We have another video going over all the dimensions and the measurements. But by loosening these two bolts, you can create so many different types of riding positions based on the length of the arms of the rider and the position that you desire for a certain day. So you can have them more down, you can have them more up. The other cool thing is you also have an adjustment on the front here. Underneath, there is a bolt here. And you would come in here and loosen this, okay? And once that is loose, like so, then you would just loosen also the side bolt. Now, from there, let me loosen that just a touch more. Okay. Now, from there, you have the flexibility of bringing the handlebars even closer or farther away, depending on the rider. So you can see it moves up and down the stem here. And I need to loosen this one a little bit more. There we go. Okay. Now you've got full flexibility. And so you can see if you're a tall rider, you can get these bars very far from your body. If you're a very short rider, you can bring them very close to your body. So, there's a lot of customization that can be achieved by adjusting these handlebars. Okay, I got the handlebars back locked in place, but again, you can play around with that and find the position that works best for your body. Now, your charger is very simple. If you look right here, you've got your charging port, and your battery can either stay on the bike or be off the bike while you charge. This is what your charger looks like. You plug it into any home outlet. One end of it will go into here, and the other end will go into your outlet. Now, charging time is gonna be about four to eight hours, depending on how low the battery is. We don't recommend draining the battery all the way. So, if you finish a ride with half a battery, it's a great idea to top it off if you can remember. Removing the battery is very simple. You unlock it, and then it just slides right out. This is a 10-pound battery. So it is not heavy, but heavier because of the size. And you just click it in like this, and it slides right in. Very easy. You don't have to remove the seat to get the battery out at all. All right, I'm gonna mount on this or get on it and mount it and get a helmet on. And we're gonna take you through a little ride so you can see it perform and take me up a hill. I'm 230 pounds. So, we'll see how easily it can get me up the hill.

All right, we're all set up and ready to ride. Wanted to point out a couple of things before we get going. You can see it in my GoPro here. Got our display right here, throttle, my pedal assist levels can be adjusted here, my brakes, and of course my gears. And you'll watch me utilize all these while we ride. One thing I wanted to show you before we get going is that you can shift this down below zero, and now you have a reverse function. So that's a cool feature to have, should you need it in certain scenarios. We'll see if we need it at all in our ride. So, let's do this. Now, I'll use a combination of pedal assist and throttle as we do our riding here. I'm gonna put it into level two. Now you can see just a nice, casual pace. We're at nine miles an hour. Now, if I bump this up to five, we start going fast, and I gotta get on the straightaway here. There we go. All right. All right, we're gonna take on our first hill here. So, let's go ahead and do this. Let's use the throttle. Now, I'll show you how we can get up here with just the throttle with this 750-watt motor. Now, again, I'm 230 pounds, and no pedaling is even necessary. Take my legs off if I want, just relax, and we're still cruising that eight and a half miles an hour. No problemo for this motor. So we made it at an eight to nine-mile-per-hour pace up that hill. I'll go back to pedal-assist now. We can also turn this down. Oops, I will go up. I like going fast. And again, with this longer frame and these tires, it is so stable. So we started at four miles on our odometer here. So we'll see how long of a trip we make. Okay, got another little incline here. So I'm gonna go ahead and put it into five. And again, I'm in gear seven right now. So if you ever wanted to exert yourself less, you could shift that down. We're gonna go to some trails here and show you how we do off-roading. I'm starting to pick up the pace a little bit. I'll give my legs a break. Now we'll just coast it out. Okay, let's see how fast we can get going down this hill. And we'll show you how good these brakes work. All right, 17, 19. There we go, we're at 20. Now watch this stopping power. No problem. Okay, and now let's just show you how we can go onto the trails.

So a cool thing about these wide tires is going on these trails is simple. Now, this is a little bit bumpy right here, but it shouldn't be an issue for us. All right. Whoa, getting five, you just take right off. We don't even need that much power. The 750 watts, and then also with having the differential, especially on these kinds of trails, it's nice for the added traction. Go a little further here. I'm gonna go ahead and put it into five. Let's take on this section and make it even easier for us to get going. I'll do it for myself. I will do a little throttle only. It's a little bumpy but very stable. All right, we made it to the top here. It has a nice view of the hills and San Clemente. Now, this trail is a little bumpy. Also, I have the charger back here for anyone who may have heard some rattling or vibration. The charger is in the basket. So, but yeah, I mean, it rides great, you know, just the smoother the trail, the better. But we're gonna turn around, head back the other way, and enjoy the ride back. A nice view of the ocean. Oh yeah, you can see the ocean out there. All right. Taking the corner here fast. Good stability, but a lot of bumps. Okay, show you how we get back up here. Let's put this into five, easy peasy. I like to shift that down on the pedal assist while we're trying to just navigate tight spaces, but going up the hill, you want it in five. Okay, got another incline here. I'm gonna put it back into five, make my life easier. Okay, let's test the brakes. No problem. All right, that was a fun ride. We only made it 3 miles. Well, we only went three miles, but it was comfortable and powerful. It's nice, as a bigger guy, to be able to use that throttle and go uphill with no challenges. I enjoyed it. The stability, if you can see when I'm taking turns, is stable at no point did either of the two rear wheels pop up for me. Occasionally, if you take turns too fast on other trikes, that can happen to you. On this one, the center of gravity is so low, and the weight is all in the rear. It keeps it nice and planted, and the base is very firm the the ground and stable. So, it's a really fun ride. I like it. It's a great trike if you are a shorter rider, a bigger rider, or a bigger guy. It can accommodate your body type, and there are a lot of adjustments that can be made.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at or call us at (310) 982-2877. Don't forget that we offer a 30-day test ride with your etrike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket. In addition to that we're going to warranty everything for one year. If anything goes wrong in your first year, we'll take care of the parts and labor. Lastly, join our community. We have a Facebook group called sixthreezero pedalers with thousands of members. Join the group before you purchase to ensure you're making the right choice. Then, when you have yours posted in the group, make friends, and lastly, download our app to track your rides and compete on the leaderboard. It's a lot of fun. So, thanks for sticking around, and don't forget it's your journey, your experience, enjoy the ride.


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